It all started with some red ink on my timecard yesterday.
Informing me that I was getting half holiday [Memorial Day] pay, and not full day holiday pay, ostensibly because I'm a part timer. Who happens to work a full day every monday, and I am entitled to that pay. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I stood there with that friggin card in my hand, thinking, do I want to go fight about this, or do I want to look for another job? I hitched my giddy-up, and was up in my new home town yesterday afternoon. For an interview and a facility tour. And a job offer ! But, without dissing the place I interviewed at, it is NOT for me, I'll need to keep looking. Last night, I wrote the owner and supervisor at my job a letter, telling them about how pissed I was at the holiday pay situation, and the pressure to move into almost full time hours on this part-timer who WANTS to be a part timer. I told them about the job offer [not knowing they were already called for references, and DAMN if they didn't treat me right, they gave me GLowing references] and told them, this very afternoon, I had an appt at 2pm to pee in a cup, and since I haven't toked lately, I was pretty sure I'd ace that test.
[You have got to shock these guys sometimes, and yes, I did say that in the letter. I ran the letter up Steves flagpole, and he first thought I ought to remove the drug reference, then said hell, leave it there, it sounds just like you. So I did.]
I wrote down the hours I could work post-move, and told them.....if this ain't good for you, tell me now, and I will give notice on the spot, no harm, I already have another job. If you want me to stay, and work THESE hours, then I'll decline the other job. I delivered the letter this morning. A lot of nice things were said to me today, the pay problem is bring looked into,- the upshot being that I'll stay where I am. Quite the commute for a p/t job, but it will be lovely, and I won't feel so lonely up there, out of my comfort zone.
I've been kinda worried about the moving situation. I don't know if you read the comments that CERTAIN people, like one of my sons', leave on the bloggie, but at one point my older son said the packing might go a wee bit easier if I put down the cello. And he's right. And I thought a lot about that, I feel happy and at ease, my hands and my heart tell Ruby what to do and she does it. No thinking necessary, just pure comfort playing. Not so much with the packing. EVERY day at work, I get teased about the state of the packing, I think they take turns asking me, Gail, HOW much packing did you do yesterday? And you know what? I have to laugh right out loud before I reply, cause the basic answer is, not as much as I should have. I had a hissy fit......I have a small table top zen garden, you rake the sand and move the lil rocks and such around. Cool beans. Except ANOTHER certain someone [it HAD to be one of the kids] put the zen garden into the middle of a stack of piano music. I picked up the whole shebang,and dumped sand all over my [thank GOD the lid was closed] piano and bench and FLOOR...that means I gotta vacuum, and we ALL know how Gail feels about that damn vacuum.
[vacuum= de Debbil]
So it is there right now. I practiced, started dinner, and plan on practicing again, and I'll ask for a lil help with that sand tonight [PLEASE, God,don't let Steve read this bloggie before I get to him!]
Here's a pic of the side of the Shack, after I went in there with lopers to remove the trees that were planted right up against the side of the house. That is a no-no. I couldn't have done it without Boo and Tony, I got to wade right in and have at it, and they carted away the trees and raked. These are mature hostas, and the dark green one turns out to be a lemon hosta, you brush up against it and you can smell lemons. I'll mulch the area up and plant some bulbs here and there, but the bones of this planting make my heart happy. I LOVE these puppies,and it made the gardening so much fun, knowing there are MINE, and not someone elses:
To the spammer that sent me that lovely e-mail, the subject of which was "I Gained 4 Inches":
Honey, need to check your audience a lil better than that. Gaining 4 inches is NOT something that appeals to a woman. Plus. I am one of those nerds who HATES spammers, and I spank them on a regular basis. Especially while avoiding packing! I looked at all the other nice people who got your spam, to see if I can figure out where you got my e-mail addy from. Turns out I know EXACTLY the forum you got it from ! Informed the owner and sent along the spam, along with your IP addy and the abuse addy at your isp. Right about now, you are probably discovering you no longer have access to the geek forum you spammed, and pretty soon, I hope your isp enforces it's TOS. You are MORE than welcome! ANYthing to avoid packing :X
29th: End of the Middle Ages Day
30th: My Bucket's Got A Hole Day
~Find the key to yourself and every door in the world is open to you.~
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