~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, July 25

The day before...

Good Morning :o) T-1 and counting.I'm so beside myself I can see myself standing there :( {{{{{HElpfully edited :O)}}}}}

rest already]So,what I need to do today:
-bake a lemon cake with lemon buttercream frosting
-hide the cake from everyone,it will not be safe in this house
-brine the bird
-move the cake I'm hiding cause someone found it
-get pissed off,go out and transplant a few plants
-do you see any cello playing on this list? I didn't either.Well,I'll put it right here,and let one of the Steves' vacuum the stairs,and if they bitch about it,I'll threaten them [I'm good at that :o)]
-Here's another secret,straight from my kitchen.I LIKE potato flakes [Only the ones in the brown can]They are REAL potatoes,dehydrated.I get no End of shit over using them,and generally bow to Steve and make real ones for get-togethers.THIS time..I'm making the "fake" and adding one or two servings of real mashed frozen potatoes left over from other meals to them,so no one will know the difference :o) :o) Just don't tell hm that,at least until after he's had some cake :o)
Wish me luck :o) I'll pop in tomorrow after everyone goes,and let you know how it went.
Have a great day :o)


Laura said...

I want the lemon cake recipe, Gail. That is my FAVORITE kind of cake.


Gail said...

Done my friend :o)YGM,well,in a sec :o)

Mrs Swan said...

Wow! Poor you! Luckly for me I heart my MIL and she doesn me as well. I want the cake recipe tooooo please! You'll just have to post it along with pictures LOL I am excited to see so many new bloggy faces!!

Gail said...

Crystal!! Hi !And yup,I sent it off to Laura,I'l go send it to you :o) I miss you,and I think of you every time Aaron comes up on my screen saver :o)

jatusma said...

Gail....I hope the visit goes smoothly. And I hpe we get a picture AND the recipe for that cake!!