Stevie just called,he's taking the apartment.They're still doing work on it,it'll be ready the second week of August,which is great,cause Stevie is teaching at the local high school,and wanted wait until the break bewteen summer school and regular school to move,and the landlord was thrill that she has the extra time to get stuuf done.Laughter and tears,it is Time for him to go,but just when they get all adult and funny as hell,then they up and leave! He told me not to worry,he'll stop by after work to raid the fridge :o)This is my oldest kid,at 24. [he'll be 25 in Dec.]So,I lose him and Boo this year.Stevie at least TRIES to hide his personal stuff from me.Remember the watermelon incident?Boo just rides me a lot,she's funny as hell too,but in a "So what are ya gonna do about it" kinda way.Strong and smart.In case you don't remember [the board is gone now]Boo had come home for dinner one saturday night.When she got back to her apartment,I get a text message,asking me if I was missing anything.We looked and looked,and didn't have a clue.Until she asked,"so where's the watermelon?" Sure enough,the one I bought to serve with dinner was forgotten.She took it,and this is the pic she sent me:
and once again,the pic wanted to be on top GGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.[for those of you who,like me,didn't quite get it at first,she is spiking the melon with rum.She later told me she and her bf tried it and it sucked,but that was Waay too much rum to try and add.I did not tell her that,she'll probably figure that out all too soon :o).]So,pretty funny,but not so funny to the Ma,you dig? I love her with my whole heart,but we butt heads a lot.The boys were easier for me to keep in line,but I think they were harder for Steve.
Oh,and before I forget,I wanted to show you Cuil [pronounced Cool]created by a former google employee,it's supposed to be the next best greatest thing.I keep looking at it,but I'm not feeling it:
Have a great day :o)