~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Thursday, July 12

~A Tale of 2 Asses~

~Act 1~
Music. there isn't one bit of my life that doesn't have music associated with it for me.  I play a few instruments, but my first love, and the one I play the most, is my cello. To that end, I have 2 shuffles, an iTouch, and a nano. One Shuffle is dedicated to music that I play along with. Slap that headphone on, start the shuffle, and play until my hands make me stop.. The shuffle needs to be charged.

~Act 2~
Early this week, Steve had an MRI, to track the progress of his brain tumor. It has not changed in any way, this is very good news. The radiology lab gave him a cd with the prints of what he claims is his brain on it. I looked carefully at the images, but I didn't see anything.

~Act 3~
And so we have the tale of 2 asses.

Last night, Steve told me hon, my puter is acting up, would you look at it for me. It takes a lot longer to boot than usual, it's loud as hell, and this just started a day or two ago.

Bright and early this morning, I boot his puter, and it sounds like it's grinding coffee, WTH?? I update and run his anti virus programs. The last programs requires a reboot to finish the process. I just happened to lay my hand on the body of his laptop at that time. And felt it. The dvd drive in motion. Mr. Ass had left a cd of his brain in his dvd drive. At every boot his puter was trying to run his brain, but it could not find it. I called him, and we had a good laugh about not being able to find his brain, nor run it.

Ass 1.

I am done now, great wife points! Let's charge that shuffle and go play!

I cannot find that #$%$ shuffle charging cord anywhere. You know the shuffle has a distinct lil pod it sits on to charge, so you can't be swapping the cord with the itouch or nano cords.

I tore this place APART. Start getting very upset, WTF??? One and one half hours pass, and I am really upset now, that sucker is just GONE. I sit down, trying not to cry, and glance at the bag the iTouch cord is in. And THERE is the shuffle cord, Mrs Ass remembers thinking, keep the music cords together, and separate from the phone cord.

Ass 2.

I call Steve again, and tell him, you win. *I* am a bigger ass than you. Explained what happened. He got a pretty good chuckle out of that, *me* being in the ass seat.  Hey, part of being a good wife is letting the husband win every once in a blue moon while.


On the plus side...I did have a basket, in which all the cords had their own bags. The basket isn't big enough anymore. I really wish manufacturers would start making universal charging cords, but hey, that would be cheaper and better for the consumer, so THAT will never happen. In the meantime, I don't intend on wasting one more minute searching for cords, this accordion file will see to that:
- 12  Simplicity Day
- 9-15  Nude Recreation weekend
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