A few updates.
First off. I mentioned in one bloggie, how my boots,...my favorite blue hiking boots,...were lost. I found one of them in my truck months after when we moved:
[scroll down to "Old Friends"] and that I could not find the other one. FOUND IT! In the foyer closet that is too narrow to accept a regular hanger! Which I never go in, 'cauuse I have no USE for it. Funny stuff, I'm finding a lot of stuff. And, when I went on the prowl for the original "Yay, found one of them" bloggie, I stumbled across a bloggie I made last year,.. in which Steve FORGOT to have my truck inspected. Guess what? He did the EXACT same thing THIS year! Not a week ago. So I tell him, yanno hon, you did this last year, and he said:
"This is my great life plan, to eventually not pay one years reggie,..to skip it...by being a lil late every year."
THIS from the man, who tonight.......Decided to treat us to Chilis. [and I will explain why in a bit] He left to pick it up...and I saw his wallet on his desk. So I quick tried to call his cell, to recall him to the house....and his cell started ringing...on the kitchen counter. So, I have a lil problem thinking he can remember things from year to year, when he can't remember things for 15 minutes. But I sure do love him.
Also, for the first time I guess, Stevie saw me in heel boots [as opposed to those hiking boots... I will bloggie a pic later in the week, with the scarf my niece made for me] and he was stunned, he said I look great :O) I guess he's used to seeing me in work clothes, especially on Monday, all the guys are home before I am, and I must not be a pretty sight.
So, WHY did Steve treat us to Chilis? [and DAYUM if that fajita trio isn't great, and it's 3 meals in one, so I can have dinner, lunch tomorrow, and share it with Tone]
For months now...since we moved in, actually,.. I have smelled something "off" in the shower. A huge walk-in with dual shower heads, one at kid height and one at adult height, a mile apart, well lit [well, THAT is a curse and a blessing, I can tell you,that is a SCARY place to have light, in more ways than one][but pretty fun too]
Last week, 2 tiles from around the of the doorway to the shower came loose. Steve and I are do it yourself-ers, and thought, well, clean it well, use quickset, set the tiles, grout and seal.
Steve took those two tiles off,...and then some more.....and it is bad. REALLY bad, rotted wood, OMG, this is beyond what we are capable of, plus there may be floor involvement. So we are calling pros' to come give us estimates. Called some friends for recommendations, called the guy that inspected the house and got some names from him.
This is gonna be a big bad one.
We do have savings.Regular savings plus what we have for Steves shed [so that he can move all his man toys out of the garage and finally PARK in the garage.] But of course, we don't know how much this litle tango will cost us.Now, when I get in the shower, every line of grout looks like a friggin enemy. Steve covered the whole area with plastic and waterproof tape, so we'll be able to use the shower until the repairs commence. Then, well, we *do* have Stevie, 10 minutes away. I'm not sure his part of the ' burgh is ready for me walkin' around in my snowflake bathrobe. Can YOU say "Hysterical Blindness"? I think I've adjusted our neighbors pretty well, but I guess they think, ANY-THING is better than naked putz ninja neighbor.
We had planned, in the fullness of time, to rip the fucker out anyway, and install a tub/shower. We are shower people, but sometimes we need a long hot bath. But that was *supposed* to be years in the future. DING-DING!! The Love Shack has other plans. So please keep the good thoughts. This is our first "BIG THING" and we are a-skeered. I know we'll do it up right, but the anticipation is painful. Painful enough for me not to want to talk about it :X And it's getting more costly by the day.
And tomorrow is Monday.
I keep telling Steve, HIT the friggin Lotto already! I was meant to be a SAHM/SAHW. I think, about the "Oh, if ONLY I could stay home, look what I could accomplish!!!" I think women have a tough row to hoe, that men have it easy....just go the hell to work already :O) We'll be waiting for you with a smile when you come home. But now, *I'm* the last one home on Mondays, and it kinda pisses me off, like I got fired from a job I love.
Please no comments on the un-pcness of this. That's now I feel, so there ya go. YMMV, it probably does. The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same.
T....enjoy the HELL outta that skillet honey, and I LOVE the scarf :)]
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