~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Monday, December 10


I am sitting here watching the Christmas candles flicker. I can smell the pine candles [no real trees here, I don't want to kill them, and the mold is too much for our allergy-suffering family members] and I can see the decorations spread all around the house. Anticipating baking, and the annual "Hiding of the Fudge" , always good for some laughs and creative threats. Happy Holiday season, and Merry Christmas :o)

Still out of work. This is frustrating, to say the least. I took a test today, to determine what, if any, new field I should train for/move into. And the results were that I need to go into the sciences, industrial art [I had to go look that up, wasn't sure what it was] and health services/science. That resonated with me. I had considered going to class to become a doctors assistant [not a pa] with an end goal to being a phlebotomist. Then a really exciting thing happened. After all these years. Tone has decided he wants to go to college after all. I could not be happier for him ! So I won't be training for anything [yet] I'm going to get a job to make sure Tone can finish what he starts. So lots of stuff going on here, and the holidays right around the corner. That's my excuse for the lack of blog, and I'm stickin' to it !

We finally met with Steves surgeon, the doctor he chose to determine if surgery was indicated for his thyroid. It appears that the little small nodule.....the one closest to the carotid, that the biopsy tech could not get a sample of...indeed, needs to be biopsied. Just to be on the safe side, but the needle biopsies are far from pleasant. Here's to hoping the tech can get to it this time, and end Steves waiting and worrying. *If* it is indicated, the thyroidectomy itself supposedly isn't "that" bad [a nasty quantative word if I ever saw one, no surgery isn't "that bad" unless it's not your body being cut into] but the thought of having to take a pill for the rest of his life gives him major pause about allowing any type of surgery unless it cannot be avoided. I agree with him.

As for me, I am doing really well. I am not due to go back to the cardiologist til May, but I think I'll need to go before then. The med he has me on, I lost enough weight so that I think it's too powerful! My hands and fingers are bluish and ice cold within an hour of taking that med. That is a GOOD thing ! This is my goal going into the new year. To make more progress towards getting off the meds.....the PSVT one, well, I need to wait til after menopause, with my luck I'll be the only fertile 60 year old on the planet. The blood pressure one, I think I'm closing in on it. To remain off both, I need to practice stress control. Some people in my life have difficulty listening to and comprehending the truth. It is not worth my health to deal with it anymore. It will mean changing relationships or cutting off relationships with a few people, they don't realize they are physically hurting me with their bullshit. If they care, great, we can work it out. If they don't, well, I'm not anyones doormat. Or target.

Here in NY, even as winter approaches, the indoor plants continue to flourish, making my heart happy and helping me over the SAD [seasonal affective disorder] effect. I don't suffer from it as much as others do, but bothers me nonetheless. My "White" Thanksgiving cactus is blooming, with blush pink flowers....I think it got up to the dickens with the fuschia christmas cactus when my back was turned. Plants going to sleep, plants waking up and throwing flowers and seed bracts. A lot of action if you know where to look.

There's something else I wanted to say. I have been asked, by some family as well as friends, why I haven't blogged. The biggest part of it was deciding what to blog. There have been times where I wanted to post an adult pic or joke, but did not out of fear of offending someone, and I got friggin tired of trying to second guess myself. I'm done worrying about "everyone". I'll be blogging about what makes me laugh, shocks me, pisses me off, or catches my attention. I do not do politics or religion, so if you see a pic of that nature here, it was because it was funny or uplifting. I hope you enjoy the ride.
:::::insert my siggie here, this damned format is not as user friendly as the old one:::::::::

Holidays for December 10th:

10 Human Rights Day  11 National Noodle Ring Day  12 National Ding-a-Ling Day

~Always be yourself. Never try to hide who you are. Always stand up for what you believe in. Always question what other people tell you. Never regret the past. It's a waste of time. There's a reason for everything. For every mistake. Every moment of weakness. Every terrible thing that has happened to you. Grow from it. The only way others will respect you is if you show them you respect yourself. And most importantly, do your thing, and NEVER apologize for being You.~
-Marley Enriquez


Mittie said...

Oh, how I have missed you!

Gail said...

Mittie, You are one of the best gifts the interwebz has given me. GMTA, and all that :o) Thank you for commenting, and thank you for being here :o)

CaptainChaos! said...

Will need to find this hidden fudge...

Gail said...

I'll put a plate out for you....on Christmas :O)