~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Monday, March 22


Squirrels are nothing more than glorified tree rats. I hate tree rats, and I hate squirrels. If I was faster I'd kick all their asses.I also hate their cousin, the chipmunk. And I hate their big country cousin, Deer. Deer are good for one thing,- a lo n slow session in the oven with red wine, tomato paste, onions and garlic.I'd like to stuff a chipmunk inside a squirrel inside a deer, and stand that on my lawn. As a warning to all the other lil bastards out there.All these animals are Bastards, stuffed with ooey gooey Bastard goodness and coated in Bastardly coating.
All my tulips are gone.
This means war.
The Bastards.

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Gail said...

Steve, you know I mean it. You also realize this eans a fence. I WILLLLLLLLLLLL garden to my hearts content on my property. I'd better start getting some estimates, so I know how many wife points I am about to lose. Who knows, for the first time in Donkey years, you might just wind up ahead in the points department!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and Beat Those Bastards Gail!!!

Gail said...

Mz A! I might need some help!:o)

Anonymous said...
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CaptainChaos! said...

So, how do you really feel?