I've been coming to terms with not having a job, my last day is thurday. The whole gamut, first the hives and the nerves, then.....yesterday morning........I woke up feeling like a kid at the end of the school year. Not getting up at 5am and having that big commute is something to look forward to. Financially this is not a nightmare, Steve and I agree on finances and are well placed for this, but it's more about not contributing to Team Gail in a $$ way. Very scary. I know I'll probably not find a job I love as much as the one I have right now. Oh, and I forgot to say....counter-offer....I was offered 3 full days a week...to equal the hours I am working now [and I said GREAT, one less commute a week I'll TAKE that] BUT...when we get busy in a few months, I'll need to go full time. Thud, no thank you. That was the irony for me, the owner was Adamant that I know I was being hired as a part timer and NEVER to expect more hours, he must have said that 4 times if he said it once.
I have my friends, who have supported me so much thru this that it makes me cry. I feel very grateful to have them in my life, I can't imagine not being able to go to them and say "I am scared shitless, talk me down!" Steve is Steve,...my best friend, and he understands how I feel before I tell him. So my motto for this time in my life, is, This too shall pass, so enjoy the time at home while you have it. And cook a lot, and practice a lot, and garden a lot, ect. And NO BUYING BOOKS GAIL!!! You hear me! Step away from Amazon and B&N, and all will be well :o)[I have a pineapple angel food cake in the oven right now,hehehe :o)]
Here is something, a little ironic. I told you, a reader/friend sent me a white blossom Christmas cactus, they are not available in my area. Well, guess what is throwing a blossom right now? Lookie here, at my "Valentines" Cactus:
24th: National Belly Laugh Day
Eskimo Pie Patent Day
25th: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
Opposite Day
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