~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Sunday, January 3

Haiku and Hunting

What a wonderful holiday! I thoroughly enjoyed my week off, I wish it could continue.

A lot has happened over this week. We discovered IBM isn't inhabited by fools. Boo was told a while back her last date of employment was 12/21. I guess they didn't want to let her go..... they kept Boo on in the midst of the layoffs, and she goes full time with benefits in April, we did a DANCE when we heard that :O) YAY Boo!

Stevie completed the course [s] he was taking toward his masters and wound up with 3.9 GPA! YAY Stevie!!

Tone's computer classes start next month...YAY Tone!

We had our first Christmas in the Shack, and it was everything we hoped for and more. Also, we have decided that I am giving notice tomorrow morning. We found an on line calculator that lets you know how much you actually make when you figure in all your expenses, and when Steve and I saw the bottom line we laughed our asses off, and decided the commuting was done. I'll give them all the notice they want, I really do like the job. And the the hunt will begin up here. So the bloggie will be a lil jagged, but it will be here. Here's to job hunting :X

We are all healthy and happy, you can't get better than that.
I had thought to make New Year Resolutions. I think that every year. And then I find something better to do, like show you this. Straight from an e-letter I get. You know how I LOVE me my midnight haikus. Well, this selection is a LOT better than that :o)

Microsoft Haiku. In Japan, they have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft Error messages with Haiku poetry messages. Haiku poetry has strict construction rules. Each poem has only three lines, 17 syllables: five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, five in the third. Haikus are used to communicate a timeless message often achieving a wistful, yearning and powerful insight through extreme brevity - the essence of Zen.


Your file was so big.

It might be useful.

But now it's gone.

The Website you seek

Cannot be located, but

Countless more exist.


Chaos reigns within.

Reflect, repent, and reboot.

Order shall return.


Program aborting:

Close all that you have worked on.

You ask far too much


Windows NT crashed.

I am the Blue Screen of Death.

No one hears your screams.


Yesterday it worked.

Today it is not working.

Windows is like that.


First snow, then silence.

This thousand-dollar screen dies

So beautifully.


With searching comes loss

And the presence of absence:

"My file" not found.


The Tao that is seen

Is not the true Tao-until

You bring fresh toner.


Stay the patient course.

Of little worth is your ire.

The network is down.


A crash reduces

Your expensive computer

To a simple stone.


Three things are certain:

Death, taxes and lost data.

Guess which has occurred.


You step in the stream,

But the water has moved on.

This page is not here.


Out of memory.

We wish to hold the whole sky,

But we never will.


Having been erased,

The document you're seeking

Must now be retyped.


Serious error.

All shortcuts have disappeared.

Screen. Mind. Both are blank.


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1 comment:

CaptainChaos! said...

Hahahah Bill Gates' boys actually came up with that mindless, infantile, barbaric, subhuman, primordial tripe? Terrific!