While we were at the Depot, my cart apparently yawed into the gardening area.I think they TRAIN all carts to do that, this was NOT my fault. Steve had something, humorous but pointed, to say about that. So I warned him if he negged me in the Depot I'd send him to Assholeville.This just struck him as the funniest thing, and we laughed right up to checkout. where it was determined that, aside from a ceiling light fixture for the powder room and some paint sample cards, everything in the cart [NOT A LOT...just necessities. And a Jade plant that put itself in my cart, *I* had nothing to do with it] was plant related. And not REALLY what we went in for. Whoopsie! Steve swiped his debit card, and at the juncture where it said " charge ok or Charged not ok" he asked the cashier, what if I said charge not ok, would this stuff march it's asses back to the shelves? And all *I* said was " I'll send your ass to Assholeville" and we got to laughing, the poor cashier must of thought we were her loonies for the night. Who knows, she may have been right. Oh, and when I buy a plant, I resolve it out to one plant a pot...a lot of times, the nurseries will cram a few plants in a pot so the plant looks more lush, but in the fullness of time that will kill the plants, and generally pisses me off. Here's a pic of the Jade, it resolved out to 5 plants:

They are the 5 pots in front. If you look right behind them, to the 3 large pots.......you may remember them from last year. Elephants Foot plants.I raised them from babies, and last October I poted them onto 6 inch pots. This is what they looked like last October:
Men just don't get necessary purchases. Like Jade plants that are crying out to be repotted...... or personal ringtones.
I use ringtones to let me know, without looking, who is calling me on my cell.
[I believe talking on the phone while driving is wrong. I see people every day, doing stupid shit behind the wheel, talking on the phone instead of watching that big rig trying to merge right along side them,... and I won't do it.The ringtone lets me know if I have to pull over, or if it can wait 'til I get where I'm goin'.]
Steve has his own, the 3 kids have one they share, my heart loop has yet another, [ oh wait,that was with sprint...I'd better go get another ring tone from Verizon, hehehe ] and there are other random ringtones I associate with certain people. I'll know who they are when I hear them, I don't have to look :O) Until today, I couldn't think of a ring tone, for when someone at home at the LOVE SHACK called my cell. DING DING DING !! WHAT an ass I am! So I downloaded that ringtone. This is the original video associated with the song:
[Oh, You know what?? This song was popular when I was in college...heard it on the radio, and saw the live performance video at MTV and YouTube. NEVER saw the video associated with song before tonight, when I searched it up for you! Thank You!]
You know, from time to time I bloggie things that I'm unsure of. Whether it will hurt someone or not, and would it be worth the telling to upset someone. But I learned something about myself today, so bloggie I will. And I hope it won't upset him. I doubt it, he's cool like that.
At Facebook, I have a limited roster of friends....it is not a professional or a "public" arena, like a bloggie-type of place for me, personally. That is the application I chose to let Facebook have in my life. A lot of people have different apps...to each his own.
Today, a dear friend made a Facebook entry referring to an article in the NYTimes, about Obamas' speaking at a public school. Parents had a lot of concerns, not the least of which as they wanted to be reassured that Obamas' speech was not a Policy speech.....but a general one. Some parents BELIEVE:
Believe: [v]
-to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.
that Obama will espouse a socialist type of government to their children. Some parents believe that is wrong, and they do not want their children exposed to Obamas speech.
Well a few people responded to what my friend posted to his wall. I agreed with my friend, and was about to say so, but one response in particular captured my interest. He appeared on the face of it to be a reasonably well informed, articulate person. He disagreed with the parents who questioned subjecting their children to Obama. But the WAY he did it.....he so severely insulted those parents, had so much vitreol and acid in his opinion of parents who disagreed with him. I could see people debating and having it devolve down into a shouting insult match, but this guy came right out swinging. Well, 3 times I tried to respond to that. It's one thing to have an opinion, but to be so insultingly derogatory, defensive and crude when presenting his opinion totally denigrated his argument for me. And I really understand a bit about how those parents feel. It made it impossible for me to have any form of discussion about it. I found no way I could present my opinion without him resorting to being insulting in responding to me, and I didn't want to do that on my friends Facebook.. This guy slapped 3 coats of epoxy over his opinion, which appears to be a sacred cow to him, and called it good. God help the person who wants to present a different opinion, they are morons who must need drool cups.[ *I* might have taken umbrage there, he mentions paragraph long sentences with multiple commas,..........hell, that's most of my bloggies. *I* prefer to think of it as train-of-thought,myself. So I guess I need a drool cup too :( ]
So, what I learned today:
-I will try to be careful to couch my opinions in a way that invites discussion. Without insulting people who may have a different value system than do I. I just might learn something. Or, if I am persuasive enough, I'll change Their minds.
-When I am faced with such an angry defensive person, I will not respond. Even if I basically agree with the salient points of his opinion, if he/she/it is so afraid of discussion that they will resort to anger, insults and retorts to avoid it, then I will not be the one to try and force it upon them. Their opinion is set in stone. I hope I'm not that rigid a person, I hope I can listen and sometimes learn. Or at least agree to disagree.
4th: Newspaper Carrier Day
5th: Be Late for Something Day
6th: Fight Procrastination Day
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